Find college nannies and sitters near you
Services to fit every family's child care need:
College nannies
Great for part-time child care, summer nanny positions, and after-school gigs
College sitters
Great for date nights, last-minute and occasional child care needs
College tutors
Great for specialized tutoring support and homework help
College nannies and sitters reviews
Families on UrbanSitter have given over 1 million reviews for nannies and sitters on the site. When you search for college nannies, sitters and tutors, you will see candid reviews and ratings from other parents—so you can find the best fit for your family.
Why hire a college nanny?
There are many reasons to consider hiring college nannies and sitters. For one, college nannies are motivated to earn extra money to help pay for their education. Secondly, you can find very specialized college tutors who know math, science and foreign languages better than a typical tutor. Thirdly, college sitters can serve as great responsible, energetic role models for your children.
Are you looking for college nanny jobs?
Sign up for UrbanSitter as a caregiverBrowse college babysitters at popular schools near you:
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