Great parents. Great kids. Great babysitting times.
Earn extra income doing what you love. Join UrbanSitter today to find flexible babysitting jobs and nanny jobs near you.How babysitting works on UrbanSitter
1. Create a profile
Tell us about your babysitting experience, set your schedule, add rates, and where you're willing to work.
2. Add a membership
Get an entire year of access to amazing job opportunities and a background check on your profile for less than the cost of one fancy latte a month.
3. Apply for babysitting jobs
Browse the job board to apply for positions, then accept jobs with a tap. Our babysitting app helps you job hunt on-the-go.
4. Get paid & keep 100%
Payments are deposited into your bank account. Keep 100% of what you earn with our standard payment setting.
How UrbanSitter compares to other babysitting websites
Top sitters earn over $1000 a week
Enjoy the freedom of setting your own hourly babysitting rates and making extra cash.
Very flexible jobs and hours
Choose from occasional, part-time and full-time babysitting jobs and a variety of gigs like dog babysitting, errands and housekeeping that fit your schedule.
Incredible community of families
Read reviews and see how you're connected to families through other babysitters, families, and community groups.
Trust and safety commitment
Families must pass an identity check to book. Access award-winning customer support 7 days a week.