San Marcos, CA Nanny Jobs

Looking for San Marcos nanny jobs? Earn extra cash by helping extra nice families with UrbanSitter. Apply today for occasional nanny gigs, part-time or full-time nanny jobs!

Available nanny jobs in San Marcos, CA

Family needs a full time caretaker starting Tuesday, Feb 18

We are in need of a kind, caring person to watch our daughter during the day. Responsibilities include ensuring child safety, planning meals, daily care routines, age-appropriate activities, taking...

Family looking for a full time caretaker starting Thursday, Feb 20 in Cortez Hill - $18/hr

I’m not sure why but the time won’t let me place it , I actually need someone from 3:40pm -12:30am , parking isn’t that great either . I need someone to be on time please.

Hiring a caretaker starting Monday, Mar 03 in South Park

We are in need of a caring, kind person to watch our two boys (1.5 YO and 3 month old) during the day. Ideally Monday-Friday 730AM-330PM but can be flexible on the time. We both work from home and...

Family needs a full time caretaker starting Monday, Mar 24 - $22/hr

We seek a caring nanny to provide daily support for our 4 month baby girl starting Mid March, 2025. The nanny works weekday daytime hours from 9am - 3pm. Responsibilities include taking our baby on...

Hiring a full time caretaker starting Tuesday, Apr 01 (flexible)

Part-time nanny needed for weekday mornings while Mom works from home. Our 2-year old daughter loves to play and will enjoy having a new friend!

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1. Make a profile
1. Make a profile
Introduce yourself to parents and be sure to include your childcare experience and types of nanny work you’re looking for. Fill in your schedule and rates, and complete a background check.
2. Apply to jobs
2. Apply to jobs
Easily scan through the available nanny jobs in your area. Detailed job descriptions and handy search filters help you pinpoint the best nanny jobs to apply to.
3. Get paid
3. Get paid
Parents either pay in cash or through UrbanSitter’s online payment system. Money goes directly into your pocket or into your payout account. No waiting for payday and you keep 100% of your earnings.

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