Grass Valley, CA Babysitting Jobs

Looking for Grass Valley babysitting jobs? Earn extra cash by helping extra nice families with UrbanSitter. Apply today for occasional babysitting gigs, part-time or full-time babysitting jobs!

Available babysitting jobs in Grass Valley, CA

Sitter needed Saturday, Feb 15, 8:00am - Sunday, Feb 16, 10:00pm

Looking for some extra help with our and our friends’ kiddos while we visit their Truckee cabin for the weekend. We have two daughters who are 4 (almost 5) and 2.5 years old. Our friends have two...

Sitter position available Sunday, Feb 16, 5:00pm - 10:00pm in Sugar Bowl Condo, on the parking lot. - $35/hr

Our 11 is special needs, but he's pretty easy to manage if you are chill and loving. The event we are going to is a 10 minute WALK from the condo, so it will be easy to reach us if anything comes up

Family needs a babysitter Monday, Feb 17 at 6:30 PM - 11:30 PM in Boulevard Park - $25/hr

Looking for a date night babysitter for our 5 year old daughter Naima. If it’s the right fit, would also be open to weekly after school or weekend care. Naima is bright, boisterous, funny and loves...

Family needs a part time caretaker starting Tuesday, Feb 18 in Diamond Oaks

Looking for an attentive and engaging caregiver for our 14-month-old son during the day. Parents will be working from home, so assistance is needed taking him to the parks, on walks, and structured...

Hiring a babysitter Tuesday, Feb 18 at 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM

I have a short schedule for kiddo she will be fed breakfast then read books / playtime until 11am then lunch follow by nap @11:30

Hiring a babysitter Monday, Apr 07 at 9:00 AM - Friday, Apr 11 at 5:00 PM

Hi! I am looking for someone to watch my 3 kids while we work over their spring break (ideally mon-Fri, 9-5 - though open to discussing if someone can do some portion of that).

Seeking an experienced babysitter Monday, Apr 07 at 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

We are looking for someone to watch our kids during their spring break while we work. Looking for someone who will play games and potentially take the older ones outside to play for some of the day...

Seeking an experienced part time caretaker starting Wednesday, Jul 09 - $15/hr

Hi there! We are looking for a sitter to come to our home and watch our baby a few days a week. My husband works from home so if anything comes up, he will be here in his office. Baby will either be...

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3. Get paid
3. Get paid
Parents either pay in cash or through UrbanSitter’s online payment system. Money goes directly into your pocket or into your payout account. No waiting for payday and you keep 100% of your earnings.

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