Matteson, IL Babysitting Jobs

Looking for Matteson babysitting jobs? Earn extra cash by helping extra nice families with UrbanSitter. Apply today for occasional babysitting gigs, part-time or full-time babysitting jobs!

Available babysitting jobs in Matteson, IL

Sitter job available Thursday, Feb 13, 9:00am - 1:00pm

Hello! Our daughter Ava will be 7 months at the end of February and we are looking forward to meeting a care giver that can help out with her at home as our jobs are mostly WFH but demanding with...

Family needs a babysitter Thursday, Feb 13 at 2:30 PM - 6:30 PM in Bridgeport

Hang out after school with my kiddos - all sweet and easy. A little homework help, some snacks, and a big galoof of a doggo who will insist on pats.

Sitter job available Saturday, Feb 15, 9:00am - 1:00pm in Lincoln Park

We're looking for a sitter on 2/15, 2/16 and 2/17 from 9:00am - 1:00pm each day. Our child likes art, music and free play.

Sitter needed Saturday, Feb 15, 3:00pm - 10:00pm in Norwood Park

Child is 12 and pretty self sufficient. I will have given them dinner and done all necessary things (like taking care of pets, etc.) before I leave. Just need someone there to make sure she’s safe.

Seeking an experienced babysitter Saturday, Feb 15 at 6:45 PM - 10:15 PM in Bucktown - $20/hr

Includes putting my almost 4 year old down to bed around 8ish (potty & put on nighttime diaper/pajamas, brush teeth, down to bed - usually likes to have his hand held or back rubbed); he will...

Sitter needed Sunday, Feb 16, 1:00pm - 5:00pm in Southwest Avondale - $20/hr

Hi! This sitting job will primarily involve caring for a baby (may include diaper changes, serving a bottle, or putting the baby down for a nap) and hanging out with my 10-year-old while I work on...

Seeking an experienced babysitter Sunday, Feb 16 at 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM in Lincoln Park

Looking for a caring, kind person to watch our daughter a few days a month.

Sitter needed Monday, Feb 17, 8:00am - 12:00pm

We are looking for a sitter to come and help out 8-12 pm on 2/17 and 2/18. My mother in law will be present but will need extra help entertaining, feeding, and getting our 17 mo old down for nap time.

Family looking for a babysitter Monday, Feb 17 at 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

We need nanny for our two kids when they are sick and can’t attend day care.

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3. Get paid
Parents either pay in cash or through UrbanSitter’s online payment system. Money goes directly into your pocket or into your payout account. No waiting for payday and you keep 100% of your earnings.

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