Heisson, WA Babysitting Jobs

Looking for Heisson babysitting jobs? Earn extra cash by helping extra nice families with UrbanSitter. Apply today for occasional babysitting gigs, part-time or full-time babysitting jobs!

Available babysitting jobs in Heisson, WA

Family needs a part time caretaker starting Monday, Feb 17 (flexible) in Alameda

We need someone who can take care of our curious, energetic second-grader afterschool in the afternoons most days. Hours will vary a bit from week to week based on our schedules and after-school...

Family looking for a caretaker starting Wednesday, Feb 19

Need someone to hang with my son from 6:am when leave for work until 7:45 when he needs to be dropped at school. Duties would include heating up a premade breakfast and making sure he’s dressed and...

Nanny job available starting Wednesday, Feb 19

Need someone to hang with my son from 6:am when leave for work until 7:45 when he needs to be dropped at school. Duties would include heating up a premade breakfast and making sure he’s dressed and...

Seeking an experienced babysitter Saturday, Feb 22 at 5:00 PM - 11:00 PM - $29/hr

We are heading out in a much needed date night! We need someone to hangout with our 3 boys who will talk your ear off and educate you about everything from dinosaurs to under water creatures all the...

Nanny position available starting Monday, Feb 24 (flexible) in Bethany

Seeking an experienced and patient caregiver for our infant with reflux and sleep difficulties. Must have a high standard of care and be willing to follow specific baby care techniques exactly as...

Hiring a part time caretaker starting Monday, Mar 03

Seeking a part-time child caregiver for our 10-month old daughter. She is a consistent sleeper (2 naps during the day), food will always be prepared for her for lunches and there's no need to drive...

Family looking for a part time caretaker starting Monday, Mar 10 (flexible)

1 parent works from home. Child is 2 months old and is a great sleeper.

Seeking an experienced caretaker starting Thursday, Mar 13 in Humboldt - $20/hr

Job: Watching baby girl Lola (turns 12 months in March) on Thursdays. Hours will be flexible but planning on 5-6 hours every Thursday between the hours of 9-5. My husband works remote in our home and...

Sitter needed Saturday, Mar 15, 3:30pm - 8:00pm

Toddler is a typical toddler pretty much movies games books.

Seeking an experienced caretaker starting Tuesday, Apr 01

Looking for someone to help with pick up from school at 2pm and then staying with our child until we finish work at 5pm. We work from home. Light housework such as dishes and simple snacks would be...

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3. Get paid
Parents either pay in cash or through UrbanSitter’s online payment system. Money goes directly into your pocket or into your payout account. No waiting for payday and you keep 100% of your earnings.

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