Meet college nannies and sitters from School of the Art Institute of Chicago

These college nannies are ready to work with your family to provide great child care and tutoring. For peace of mind, all college nannies, sitters and tutors on UrbanSitter are background checked, and they are bookable online. Sign up now to browse profiles for free!
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School of the Art Institute of Chicago - College Nannies and Sitters - Chicago

UrbanSitter is not sponsored or endorsed by or otherwise associated with School of the Art Institute of Chicago. School of the Art Institute of Chicago does not recommend or endorse any caregiver on UrbanSitter. UrbanSitter has not independently verified any caregiver's affiliation with School of the Art Institute of Chicago

Booked by 7 repeat families
15 reviews
San Jose
$27 per hour for 1 child

"Hi, there! My name is Anita. I am currently a high school art teacher in Palo Alto. I am offering child care and pet care. I love working with young people and have taught elementary school kids and ..."  Sign Up to See Full Profile

Responds in 1 hour
Booked by 21 repeat families
23 reviews
San Francisco
$22 per hour for 1 child

"Hi! I've been caring for children since I was 13 (over 20 years!). I primarily babysit via word of mouth for infants and children under 10, but I've got great experience with children and teens of al..."  Sign Up to See Full Profile

Responds in 8 hours
Malia Chicago
$18 per hour for 1 child

"Hello! My name is Malia, I am a visual artist and recent college graduate looking for childcare work. I have previous experience at a Montessori school where I cared for 2-5 year old children and de..."  Sign Up to See Full Profile

Morgan Chicago
$20 per hour for 1 child

"Hello! My name is Morgan, and I am an undergraduate at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. I work as a full-time painter/artist and am constantly striving to stay innovative! This past year, I..."  Sign Up to See Full Profile

Brigid Chicago
$17 per hour for 1 child

"Hi, I’m Brigid! I’m a local artist and part-time assistant teacher. The age groups I’m familiar with teaching are 11-16, but I’m comfortable caring for toddlers and elementary age kids too; Growing up..."  Sign Up to See Full Profile

Sylvana New York
$25 per hour for 1 child

"Hi - My name is Sylvana I graduated from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago and I am all about arts and crafts for kids! I am offering child care and other household services. Available for ev..."  Sign Up to See Full Profile

Fay Chicago
$20 per hour for 1 child

"I have been babysitting infants, toddlers, children and teens for over 15 years. I have my teaching license for K-12, and an extensive background check done by the state of IL. I have been teaching fo..."  Sign Up to See Full Profile

Margaux Chicago
$25 per hour for 1 child

"Hello, I'm Margaux, offering childcare and household services in Wicker Park, Chicago. With a passion for childcare, I have extensive experience caring for children aged 10 weeks to 13 years. My bac..."  Sign Up to See Full Profile

Responds in 1 hour

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