Peoria, AZ Babysitters Near Me
- Over 10 Peoria babysitters with background checks
- Average babysitting rate in Peoria is $12.00 per hour
- Find babysitters for virtual babysitting, tutoring, school pods, and more
1 available babysitters in Peoria, AZ
miranda Surprise
$24 per hour for 1 child
$24 per hour for 1 child
"Hey there! My name is Miranda. I am recently married and I absolutely love hanging out with kiddos. I have experience as a life guard/ swim coach and am extremely cautious around water/ pools. Althoug..." Sign Up to See Full Profile
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- Background checked babysitters
- CPR-trained babysitters
- Spanish-speaking babysitters
- Babysitters experienced with multiples
- Babysitters with infant experience
- Babysitters with a vehicle