Hollywood, FL Babysitters Near Me
- Over 10 Hollywood babysitters with background checks
- Average babysitting rate in Hollywood is $15.23 per hour
- Find babysitters with infant experience, teaching experience, and more
1 available babysitters in Hollywood, FL
$20 per hour for 1 child
Booked by 1 repeat family
2 reviewsHollywood
$20 per hour for 1 child
"Hi, I am a grandmother to my 2 year old grandson, but I have a granddaughter that is now 15 that I also took care of. I take care of him on most days and I enjoy our time so much. I have created a day..." Sign Up to See Full Profile
Sign up for UrbanSitter to search Hollywood babysitters by:
- Background checked babysitters
- CPR-trained babysitters
- Spanish-speaking babysitters
- Babysitters experienced with multiples
- Babysitters with infant experience
- Babysitters with a vehicle