Aguanga, CA Babysitting Jobs

Looking for Aguanga babysitting jobs? Earn extra cash by helping extra nice families with UrbanSitter. Apply today for occasional babysitting gigs, part-time or full-time babysitting jobs!

Available babysitting jobs in Aguanga, CA

Family looking for a part time caretaker starting Saturday, Feb 08 in Sorrento Valley

We're looking for help watching our 6 year old boy and 8 year old girl on weekends, at our home in Sorrento Valley. We'd like to find someone who could anywhere between 6 and 12 hours total per...

Hiring a babysitter Saturday, Feb 08 at 1:30 PM - 8:00 PM

I need a babysitter this Saturday (February 8th) for an 8 year old boy from 1.30pm to around 8 pm. Pay is negotiable. Someone trustworthy and has background in babysitting and some reference. I live...

Sitter needed Saturday, Feb 08, 3:00pm - 11:45pm - $25/hr

Babysitting for the evening while we are at an event. We will come back for the bedtime routine. Child will be asleep after 7:30 pm.

Sitter position available Saturday, Feb 08, 6:00pm - 10:00pm in Morro Hills - $20/hr

An evening in my home, sitting with my son for his dinner, playing some games or with toys with him and then following a bedtime routine (bath, pajamas, book, and then bed) to have him asleep by...

Family looking for a part time caretaker starting Sunday, Feb 09 (flexible) - $40/hr

This posting is for a MOMi support group that will be held 2 Sundays out of the month from 2PM-4PM. You will be in charge of caring for the children while the mothers unwind, connect and immerse...

Hiring a babysitter Wednesday, Feb 12 at 6:30 PM - 11:45 PM in Sycamore Creek

Super easy! The kids go to bed by 8pm I’ll do bath and dinner just going on a date night and I’m a single mama Looking for a nanny long term for my little ones

Sitter needed Friday, Feb 14, 5:00pm - 9:30pm

Our kids thrive with routine (whole family has ADHD) and love to help make sure things are moving along, but are easy to distract and need help staying on task. Parents just need some date nights...

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3. Get paid
3. Get paid
Parents either pay in cash or through UrbanSitter’s online payment system. Money goes directly into your pocket or into your payout account. No waiting for payday and you keep 100% of your earnings.

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