Meet college nannies and sitters from American InterContinental University

These college nannies are ready to work with your family to provide great child care and tutoring. For peace of mind, all college nannies, sitters and tutors on UrbanSitter are background checked, and they are bookable online. Sign up now to browse profiles for free!
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American InterContinental University - College Nannies and Sitters - Hoffman Estates

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Angela 2 reviews
$20 per hour for 1 child

"I am 66 years old. I’ve raised seven children four boys three girls. They are all very successful and I enjoy children. I have a dog so I am very gentle with pets as well. I ran my own day care in Mar..."  Sign Up to See Full Profile

Angel Chicago
$18 per hour for 1 child

"I am a former pre school teacher from Los Angeles that now works for the federal government as a Case Advocate helping people resolve issues they have with federal agencies. I spent the last 10 1/2 ye..."  Sign Up to See Full Profile

Tynisa Silver Spring
$15 per hour for 1 child

"I have a special love for children. I believe it’s because my 2 are angels (deceased). I gained custody of my now 12 year old stepdaughter who was abused by her biological mother and came to me at 7. ..."  Sign Up to See Full Profile

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