Goleta, CA Nannies Near Me
- Over 10 Goleta nannies with background checks
- Average nanny rate in Goleta is $16.00 per hour
- Find nannies with infant experience, early childhood education degrees, and more
2 available nannies in Goleta, CA
$20 per hour for 1 child
Booked by 3 repeat families
7 reviewsAltadena
$20 per hour for 1 child
"I have helped raise my nieces and nephews since day one, as well as other families in my professional experience. I am comfortable caring for and watching newborns/infants, toddlers, and children of a..." Sign Up to See Full Profile
Responds in 1 hour
Haylee Bozeman
$30 per hour for 1 child
$30 per hour for 1 child
"Hi there! I am a 4th year PhD School Psychology student at the University of Utah staying in Bozeman over the summer. I’m trained as a Board Certified Behavioral Analyst (BCBA) and have spent the last..." Sign Up to See Full Profile
Sign up for UrbanSitter to search Goleta nannies by:
- Background checked nannies
- CPR-trained nannies
- Spanish-speaking nannies
- Nannies experienced with multiples
- Nannies with infant experience
- Nannies with a vehicle